It has been a week since we begun our project and needed to take time to monitor our progress since the start of the community project. As a group we filled out a sheet talking about some of the obstacles we faced so far and discussing where we are at. The sheet is mainly focused on obstacles and issues we've faced so far. We haven't had too many difficulties so far, mostly just the fact that we couldn't proceed without meeting our community partner and exchanging ideas and concepts. We overcame these barriers by preparing questions to get a better understanding of what we can do in our project and created mind maps to brainstorm. Some themes/issues that surround our project have to do with the fact that we are working with primary school students, so they will likely have a low attention span and some of the children might have additional educational needs. We also found out that some children don't have english as a first language but this shouldn't really be an issue as they all speak english regardless. This affects our workshops in such a way that we would need to keep them short and we need to have fun and interactive activities to keep the children interested over a period of time, which means shaping it so that it appeals to children and what they want to do. This means spending more time making artwork and being active rather than us sitting and talking at them for a long time and asking them what they did and didn't like to improve the activities we do.
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